It’s Simply Zen my friends…

It’s Simply Zen my friends…

Its Simply Zen my friendsSometimes life presents opportunities that are just too good to pass up. Recently I was offered a chance to blog for my friends at the online store for Its Simply Zen I have used, and recommended their site because I love their quality product lines, discount prices and free shipping. It is extremely important to me, however, to give my blog readers more than an advertising pitch. I promise to stay true to my real self and share my thoughts, trials, inquisitiveness and knowledge. My hope is that, through your comments, I will gain insight into what my readers are thinking and what they would like to hear more about. We will discuss product reviews, types of yoga, meditation tips, retreat reviews among other things.

Zen is a sect of Mahayana Buddhism which asserts that enlightenment can be achieved through meditation and intuition. I would add that nutrition and wellness are integral to developing those meaningful practices into everyday life. When people ask me how yoga has changed my life, I focus less on the flexiblity, balance and strength than the body awareness and daily mindfulness that my practice has bestowed upon me. When I began practicing yoga in earnest 7 years ago, I had no idea how much my classes would impact my breathing and, therefore, my headaches; my posture and, therefore, my gracefulness; my meditation and, therefore ,my relationships to everyone and everything.

I am still very much a student. It’s reminiscent of the old adage, “The more you know, the more you realize how much you have yet to learn.” Just as nutrition has a myriad of diets that are one person’s panacea and another’s poison, various types of yoga offer different experiences depending upon one’s mood and needs for that particular moment on that unique day. Walk with me, my friends, on this trail in the dappled sunlight and we’ll take it step-by-step. Let’s be gentle with each other and meditate on all that life has to offer. After all, true enlightenment is about the journey.

Visit Tiffany’s website and read her blog at Health by Design Now

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